Honduras Ministry with the Lamb Institute
St. Peter & St. Paul supports missionary work in Honduras through donations and on-site help with the LAMB Institute. To learn more how you can get involved, contact Carol Bowser at 770.970.5683 or Lucita Douglas at 770.565.0056.
Suzy McCall, an Episcopal missionary from Charleston, S.C., went to Honduras and saw the great need for the poor and neglected children who came into her life because of the area known as El Cordero where she lived. Working with her friends and supporters in Charleston, The LAMB Institute, was created in 1999 to fund her growing ministry.
In this worst part of Tegucigalpa, El Cordero, Flor del Campo, the original school for LAMB and its day care and community food distribution center are located. This is an amazing place with approximately 160 students in grades pre-K through 6th. Inside the compound which is surrounded by high walls with two layers of barbed wire, the school rises on the side of a steep hill and you actually climb to the roof top where they have the playground. It is totally fenced in and has a roof. It serves as their auditorium as well.
Suzy then saw the need to permanently take care of children who were left in her care and those that Suzy was asked by the state to help. So the children’s home was created. It grew so rapidly that land was purchased in San Buenaventura where the children’s home and another school is now located. Each child has their own bed and cubby for personal items. The school there is for grades pre-K through 6th while the special needs children are transported into town for their schooling as well as the older students.
They still do not have a permanent water supply and must collect rain water and buy water for cooking.
The LAMB program now includes a safe house for girls that were abused and trafficked, a micro-business program involving approximately 250 people that live in Flora de Campo, and the Alonzo Program to engage pre-teen and teen boys to help them with their studies and have activities after school.